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The Goodbye July Podcast


Pull up a seat in our cozy living room, pick a dog to love on and relax; Goodbye July is like a book club where you don't actually have to read.

So snuggle down and enjoy the juicy audio as I pull back the curtain on investing 101, powerful mind hacks, and behind-the-scenes secrets from my biggest income-generating moves... all stitched together by my mission to make everything you hear as repeatable as possible.

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Subscribe Now to Stop Stressing Over Money & Feel Empowered by Personal Finance

Next Stop: Moneymaking Goodness


Goodbye July is the approachable personal finance and mindset podcast packed with actionable step-by-step tips to help you leave every episode with a plan. Named for the day I became financially free enough to leave a well-paying job I didn't love, join me as we pick up steam and move steadily toward a life where you work less and live more.


PODCAST: Latest Episodes

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