Want a Raise? Listen to This First.

Imagine how it’ll feel when you successfully start making what you deserve… An amount that will finally allow you to breathe a sigh of relief every time you check your bank account. Not only will you get to release the stress you’ve been carrying, but you’ll also have new means to free up some time in your busy life.
Now you’ll get to decide whether you’d like to hire a house cleaner for those areas that are never quite sparkly enough, a babysitter for an overdue night out, or a dog sitter to finally take that vacation you’ve been putting off.
Can you envision that? That’s a pretty sweet place to be.
With the pay that you deserve, you’ll also be in a position to invest in income-generating assets and set yourself, and the people you love most, up for a future state where you can escape the time-for-money trap that is the rat race. And with the right spread of assets, you’ll be able to spend every single minute of your life exactly the way you want.
To help kickstart your journey, I’ve put together a free resource called The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit that outlines the exact method I’ve used to nearly double my salary.
I used simple math to negotiate 2 pay raises resulting in an 86% total increase in my salary when I was working in corporate, and the goal of today’s show is to walk you through the 3 important decisions that you’ll need to make in order to be ready to land a raise. And don’t worry - with the details I’ll give you in today’s episode and the starter kit, they become fairly simple decisions to make.
Feel free to download The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit now and follow along as you listen.
One of the most powerful steps you can take right now to start the process of making more money is to get clear on your Target Number - because you need to know what you're aiming for in order to begin working towards it. This single step will put everything else in motion.
At this point you may have a few ideas, or a general idea, of what amount of money would be right for you, or you may feel stuck because all you know is that you need more than you have in this moment.
No matter where you are right now, the following four numbers will help you hone in on the perfect Target Number for your unique lifestyle - a number that is both realistic, but one that you'd feel great about.
Before we jump into these numbers, there's one concept you need to understand that will help you narrow down your Target Number quickly.
Your goal with your Target Number is to find the sweet spot - the intersection between these 4 things:
What you're making now
What you need to be comfortable
What's typical for your industry
The specifics of the job you are (or would be) doing
Now, the first three are pretty simple so let’s run through those first.
Starting with the first one, which is what you’re making per year right now… this one’s simple enough, but let’s look at the specifics because what your salary or hourly rate is, is actually different than what’s truly deposited in your account at the end of the day… and that’s the number we want to look at.
You may already know this number or it may be as simple as looking at the deposits in your bank account for the last month and multiplying that by 12. Or it may mean counting tips for the next week and multiplying that by 52 to get an annual estimate.
Whatever that looks like for you, just get as accurate a number as possible.
The second item to consider is what you need to be comfortable. When setting your Target Number, you want to make sure it's at least enough to cover your expenses at your current standard of living (assuming you're not super-duper overspending!).
That means it should absolutely cover your essential expenses like rent, utilities, groceries, car, and gas, and it should also leave you with enough left over to do a few things per month you enjoy, like eating out a couple times, or maybe a massage!
If you'd like an easy-to-follow resource to guide you, you can download my free Budget Calculator and fill in the blanks for an easy calculation of the amount you need to cover your current standard of living.
The third item to consider when setting your Target Number is your industry standard. For this, do a quick online search for what's typical for the job you're doing or will be applying for. For example, if you're an assistant in Austin, search "typical pay for an assistant in Austin". To get better results, also include the year.
The final item to consider when setting your Target Number is the specifics of the job you are or would be doing - and this one’s a bit more complex, but in my opinion, it’s the area where you have the most leverage to get your pay to the next level.
Here are the top 5 Job Specifics to consider when seeking more money:
1. Commute - If you have to physically go to work in person, you should be, or can at least ask to be, compensated for your commute - whether it's your own car or public transit or ride share. Inside The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit, you’ll find specific examples and calculations to use depending on how you get to and from work.
2. Hours Beyond or Below Agreement - Whether your job is hourly or salaried, get an honest estimate of how many hours you put in compared to what was agreed on when you started the job. If you’re hourly, you can use the amount of hours above or below your agreed amount to negotiate better pay. If you’re salaried, you’ll generally be looking at any number above 40 hours per week (if you live in the US) as a negotiation point for making more money. You can find the calculations to use inside The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit.
3. Retirement Plan & Match - regardless of whether or not your company offers this, you can still use it as a negotiation point in asking for more money. Inside The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit, I cover what to do if your employer does NOT offer a retirement plan, if your employer offers a retirement plan WITH a match, and if your employer offers a retirement plan but NO match. There are ways to use any of these situations to make more money.
4. Benefits - Whether your employer offers benefits or not, this is a valuable point of negotiation for higher pay if you're willing to put in the effort because this one requires the most heavy-lifting. It starts with an online search of what benefits are typically offered in your industry. These could vary from the standard health insurance to gym memberships and cell phone plans (if you use your mobile phone for work at all, even just to reply to emails or to answer the occasional call from your boss, you can ask your employer to cover some of your bill). Inside The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit, you’ll see examples of what to do if your job does not offer benefits, if your job does offer benefits, and even what to do if you’re moving jobs. Again, this one can feel like a drag… Is it a tedious process? Yes. Is it worth it? In my experience, yes. Why? Because instead of negotiating every single nuance on each insurance item, I've seen employers offer a higher base pay to cover any discrepancies - which can oftentimes go well beyond the smaller insurance differences.
5. Industry’s Standard Base Pay & Inflation - it may seem obvious that base pay one of the main things you should consider when seeking more money, but the key point here is that what was a great hourly rate or annual salary when you started a job is different than what is a great pay rate 1-2+ years in, and beyond. So, at least once a year, you’ll need to do an online search for your industry’s standard base pay and current inflation for your city and make sure your pay reflects that - or else you need to ask for it to.
Once you work through each of these 5 job specifics, you'll be left with 5 numbers that, once added together, will result in the extra compensation you should receive per year ON TOP OF your base pay.
Once you’ve got that number, you’re officially ready to define your Target Number!
The goal in setting your Target Number is to find the sweet spot between the 4 areas we discussed before… what is the intersection between what you're making now, what you need to be comfortable, what's typical for your industry, and the specifics of the job?
All that's left to do is to decide where that intersection is, make sure it's a number that's both realistic, but also one you feel great about - and commit to that as your Target Pay Rate Number.
Decision #1 is the hardest… it requires the most heavy-lifting and the most thought, work, and calculations, so if you need to, give yourself a few days to get through it. I typically recommend people work through it in 3-4 days… that feels realistic, but it’s a short enough timeframe to where you won’t put it off and forget to move forward entirely.
You've got this!
Here’s the good news - Decision #1 is done! The hardest part is over. But you do still need to make your choices for Decisions #2-#3.
Here’s more good news… Deciding whether you're going to stay in your current job or find a new one is one of the most exciting choices you'll make because, once you've made it, something starts to shift. Your journey to making more money becomes more real, and things begin moving forward quickly. It's a beautiful thing.
Your decision may come to you in minutes, or it may take a few days; but don't let yourself get stuck here. Your goal is to make the choice so you can move on to the more important steps and actions that will create massive impact not only in your bank account, but also in your life.
Here are three questions that might help you decide:
1. Do you LOVE your current job?
The truth is, if you move jobs you're likely to get a bigger pay boost. But if you love your job, that's PRICELESS and I highly encourage you to stay there and simply have regular conversations with your manager about pay raises based on performance, industry standard, and inflation.
You can also explore other ways to make money on the side. Are you a gifted writer? Try freelancing. Love animals? Try pet-sitting or walking on Rover. Super crafty? Make an Etsy store. Don't underestimate the power of small payments from multiple sources. (Bonus: check out an app I just found called Steady to look for flexible, part-time opportunities)
2. Based on your Target Number from Decision #1, is staying put realistic?
Now that you know your Target Number, you can decide whether it's realistic to stay in your current job. If your target number is much higher than what you're currently making, it's probably more realistic to let this chapter close and turn the page to something new that's even better.
3. Does your current job have certain perks you don’t want to walk away from?
Sometimes it's bigger than money - maybe there are certain perks or benefits at your current job you simply don't want to walk away from (hello, unlimited time off and free childcare!). If that's the case for you, that's totally okay! But remember: if one employer is offering it, it's possible that others may offer it, too. So don't let this one thing be a deciding factor without doing a little research first.
Maybe your choice for Decision #2 looks something like this: You'll interview for 3 weeks and if you don't find a new employer that will offer you these same perks, then your decision will be to stay put. But if you find one that will offer you the same benefits and will increase your pay, then you'll switch jobs.
Whatever that looks like for you, make your plan and stick to it.
PS - whether you decide to switch jobs or stay put, I’ve included a list of 44 Power Words for Your Resume, Professional Profiles, and Reviews and it’s waiting for you inside The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit. It never hurts to have your resume and professional profiles updated so future potential employers can find you and you’ll be ready to make moves quickly, if needed.
And don’t forget to snag a few of those power words to use in your quarterly reviews with your manager, as well. Reviews are one of the most powerful ways to ensure you’re on track to consistently securing pay raises; so don’t skip this one.
Once you decide whether you'll stay in your current job or find a new one, get into The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit and run through the Make More Money 6-Point Checklist. This checklist will ensure you take the necessary actions in either scenario to increase your chances as much as possible to make more money. (hint hint: these are the 6 items that will help you make sure you’re getting those regular, fair reviews I just mentioned and that you’re gathering the specific evidence you’ll need to consistently ask for, and receive, pay raises)
One thing that is just as important as coming up with your Target Number is to decide on your Walk-Away Number: What amount of money are you NOT willing to accept in order to take on a new job, or keep working your current job?
In addition to the number itself, think about anything job-related that you've experienced that you're done with. What are the things you no longer want to experience?
Are those things 100% non-negotiables? Or, for the right amount of extra money, would you be willing to continue doing or experiencing them? If the latter, be sure to work that into your Walk-Away Number so it's an amount that would make that situation worth it to you.
Examples to Inspire You:
I will not commute more than 20 miles (unless I'm paid $X extra/year)
I will not work nights or weekends (unless I'm paid $X extra/year)
I will not work more than 40 hours per week (unless I'm paid $X extra/year)
I will not work for a company that does not offer health insurance (unless I'm paid $X exta/year)
I will not work on projects I don't enjoy (unless I'm paid $X extra/year)
Your Turn: Grab a notebook and write down what you will NOT accept in your current or next job - and put a number to it. What's the absolute minimum amount you're willing to accept?
Make sure your final number is at least enough to cover your living expenses (remember you can download the free fill-in-the-blank Budget Calculator to easily calculate your current expenses.
Most importantly, decide on your number and don't go below it, even if it means walking away from jobs you may like.
I remember a time when an employer offered me a base salary that was higher than what I was currently making, however, they were going to require me to come in in-person, whereas the job I currently had allowed me to work from home full-time… and it was a pretty far drive!
Once I did the math on the commute and looked at gas, time spent getting ready and driving, wear and tear on my car, and even the cost of what it would take me to buy the appropriate work clothes, I realized, unless they’d be willing to pay me enough to cover those expenses, I’d actually be LOSING MONEY by going to work for them.
They wouldn’t agree to it, so I ultimately declined the position. And I’m glad I did because not long after that, I found another opportunity that offered me even more money and allowed me to continue working from home - which is something I enjoy.
So here’s the lesson - letting go of (what might seem like) opportunities now is one of the most important things you can do to create space for even better ones.
So don't skip the critical step of calculating your walk-away number… and be sure to consider all the other elements we’ve talked about.
Unlike what you may have heard or tell yourself about making more money, it can actually be very simple to achieve with the correct steps, self-discipline, patience, and courage.
And you're already on your way.
I've given you the valuable steps to take to start making more money. But now you have to find the self-discipline to take them, the patience to see them through, and the courage to ask to be paid what you're worth.
And if you're like me, the actual ASKING part will be the hardest...
You may be thinking:
Why would they ever agree to pay me that amount? I'm not worth that; the work I do isn't good enough.
If I ask for more money, they'll think I'm ungrateful.
I'll be put on a blacklist if I ask for more money.
I'm here to give you permission to leave that imposter syndrome behind. Because if you take the steps I outline in The Ultimate Make More Money Starter Kit to keep track of your success metrics over time and to ask for regular reviews, you’ll literally have the evidence to show exactly WHY you're worth your Target Number.
And, frankly, whether they agree to pay you that amount, think you're ungrateful, or blacklist you is beside the point. Those things may not even happen (and probably won't). But one thing's for sure: if you don't make the ask, you won't get the pay you deserve.
One of the biggest mistakes most women make is that they don't ever make the ask because it's uncomfortable. Well, let me share some tough love my friend in HR at Google gave me the last time I hesitated making the ask…
She said: "Do you want to avoid feeling awkward for a day, or do you want a pay raise that will positively affect your life for YEARS to come?"
I don't know about you, but I'll take the latter - every time.
The fact is, if you want a simple way to make more money that doesn’t involve picking up a second job or learning about investment options...all you have to do is know your number, gather your evidence, and ask.
In fact, asking to be paid what you're worth is the single most powerful and strategic way to make EVEN MORE money moving forward because if you want to add investments to your financial portfolio later, your higher base pay will serve as the backbone to your overall strategy that allows you the extra cushion to fund those income-generating assets.
In short, it's an amazing time to make more money by asking to be paid what you're worth.
Stick with me and I'll show you what it takes to move from feeling overwhelmed and anxious with your money, to moving into becoming a confident money-generating powerhouse... one who knows your worth and has the courage to ask for it, even when it feels uncomfortable.